Efflorescence Test of Brick As Per IS: 3495 Part-3

Civil Engicon Team
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Update: May 09, 2023
Efflorescence Meaning: "Efflorescence" is a phenomenon in which salt is deposited on the surface of bricks when it is in the contact of moisture from ground or environment. It causes discoloration and deterioration over time. 
In this blog post we will read about efflorescence test as per IS Code Book IS:3495 Part-3.

Efflorescence Test of Brick As Per IS: 3495 Part-3

The efflorescence test of brick means subjecting the bricks to different environmental conditions to see if they are prone to efflorescence. The test involves placing a sample of bricks in a chamber and exposing them to varying levels of humidity and temperature.
During the efflorescence test of brick, any salt deposits that form on the surface of the bricks are carefully monitored and recorded. The amount and severity of efflorescence that occurs will determine the quality of the bricks.

Efflorescence Test of Brick - IS: 3495 Part-3

Standard Procedure For Efflorescence Test of Brick

Standard procedure for efflorescence test of brick is given below. Follow the step-by-step procedure.


To Determine the Efflorescence of Burnt Clay Bricks.

Indian Standards

  • IS: 5454 - 1978 [Method for Sampling of Clay Bricks]
  • IS: 3495 (Part 3) - 1992 [Method of Test of Burnt Clay Building Bricks]
  • IS: 1077 - 1992 [Common Burnt Clay Building Bricks- Specification]

General Requirements

The general requirements for efflorescence test of brick are following:
  • The dimensions of the bricks shall be measured to the nearest 1 mm.
  • All apparatus and testing equipment shall be calibrated at frequent intervals.
  • The number of specimens for the test shall be selected as per IS: 5454 - 1978.

Method of Sampling of Bricks

Apparatus Required Efflorescence Test

Here are the apparatus required for efflorescence test of brick:
  1. Dishes [Shallow flat bottom dishes which contain sufficient distilled water to completely saturate each specimen of the sample.The dishes should be made up of glass, porcelain or glazed stoneware and its size should be 180 mm x 180 mm x 40 mm depth for square shaped and 200 mm diameter x 40 mm depth for cylindrical shaped.]
  2. Glass Cylinders [To Cover the Vertical Part of Bricks from Top]

Efflorescence Test Sample Arrangement

Efflorescence Test Formula 

Efflorescence test of brick formula is not available because it is done by the observation of salt deposit on brick sample. 

Test Procedure of Efflorescence Test

Step 1: Each bricks should be kept vertically in the dishes. The depth of immersion of brick in water should be 25 mm.

Step 2: After that place the whole arrangement of the test in a warm (Approx 20°C to 30°C) and well ventilated room until the water in dish is absorbed by each specimen and the surplus water evaporates. 

Step 3: Cover each brick in the dish with a suitable glass cylinder so that evaporation from the dish may not occur.

Step 4: When the water has been absorbed and bricks appear as dry, place a similar quantity of water in the dish and allow it to evaporate again as before.

Step 5: After the second time evaporation, examine the bricks for efflorescence and report the results of each.

Efflorescence Test Result

The efflorescence test of brick result is either NilSlightModerateHeavy or Serious

Examine the Efflorescence Test of Brick

Efflorescence test of brick is examined by the help of deposited salt in different percentage of exposed area of brick.
  1. The efflorescence test of brick result is "Nil" When there is no perceptible deposit of efflorescence is found on the brick.
  2. The efflorescence test of brick result is "Slight" When maximum 10% exposed area of the brick is covered with a thin salt layer.
  3. The efflorescence test of brick result is "Moderate" When there is a heavier deposit compare to "Slight" and it is covering up to 50% of the exposed area of brick but unaccompanied by powdering or flaking of the brick surface.
  4. The efflorescence test of brick result is "Heavy" When there is a heavy deposit of salt which covers 50% or more than 50% of the exposed area of the brick surface but unaccompanied by powdering or flaking of the brick surface.
  5. The efflorescence test of brick result is "Serious" When there is a heavy deposit of salt accompanied by powdering and or flaking of the exposed surfaces of the brick.

Lab Test Report

The efflorescence test of brick result obtained from each specimen shall be reported as NilSlightModerateHeavy or Serious.

Requirements For Efflorescence Test of Brick

As Per IS: 1077 - 1992 [Common Burnt Clay Building Bricks- Specification], The efflorescence test of brick accordance with the procedure as per IS: 3495 (Part 3)- 1992, After second time evaporation of water from the dish the rating of efflorescence shall not be more than "moderate'' up to class 12.5 and "slight'' for higher classes.


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