Scour Depth of Bridge - Scouring

Civil Engicon Team
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Update: March 16, 2023

Scouring in Bridges: Types, Importance, Scour Depth and Calculation

Bridges are essential infrastructure that connects people and communities, but they are also vulnerable to natural forces such as water. Scouring is the process of erosion and removal of sediment, such as soil and rocks, from around bridge foundations or piers, which can cause instability and potential failure of the bridge. In this article, we will discuss the types of scouring, the importance of scouring, scour depth, and how to calculate it.


Why Need to Calculate Scour Depth: Scouring

Calculating scour depth is important because it helps engineers determine the potential risks of a bridge or other structure failing due to excessive erosion of the soil or sediment around its foundation. Scouring can occur due to the flowing water that comes in contact with the foundation of the bridge, and if left unchecked, it can cause instability, leading to serious structural failure or collapse.

By calculating the scour depth, engineers can design a foundation that can withstand the forces exerted by the flowing water, ensuring that the bridge or other structure remains safe and stable over its lifespan. Calculating the scour depth also helps engineers to determine the most appropriate type and amount of protective measures to take around the bridge foundation to prevent excessive erosion.
Calculating scour depth requires several pieces of information and considerations. 
Here are some of the key factors that engineers need to take into account when calculating scour depth:

Flow Characteristics: The velocity, depth, and flow rate of the water that is passing around the bridge foundation are key factors in determining scour depth. These factors can be determined by taking measurements in the field or using data from past studies or simulations.

Sediment Characteristics: The size and shape of the sediment particles in the riverbed or channel are also important considerations, as these factors affect the rate at which the soil around the foundation will erode.

Bridge Geometry: The shape and size of the bridge piers or abutments will influence the flow of water around the foundation and affect the scour depth. Engineers need to consider the specific dimensions of the bridge structure when calculating scour depth.

Environmental Factors: The surrounding environment of the bridge can also impact scour depth, such as the shape and slope of the channel, the presence of vegetation or debris, and the frequency and magnitude of flooding events.

Based on these factors, engineers can use different methods to calculate scour depth, such as empirical equations, physical modeling, and numerical modeling. Empirical equations use data from past studies to estimate scour depth based on the flow and sediment characteristics of the specific site. Physical modeling involves constructing a scaled-down version of the bridge and surrounding environment to simulate hydraulic conditions and measure the depth of scour that occurs. Numerical modeling uses computer software to simulate the flow of water and sediment around the bridge and predict the depth of scour.

Types of Scouring:

There are several types of scouring that can occur in and around a bridge. These include:

General Scour: 

General scour is a type of scouring that occurs around bridge foundations due to the erosive action of flowing water. It is a natural process that happens over time, and it can be exacerbated by factors such as high water flow rates, sediment type, and bridge alignment.

General scour occurs when the water flow around a bridge foundation is fast enough to erode the surrounding sediment. This erosion can cause the foundation to become unstable, leading to potential structural damage or even collapse. The severity of general scour can depend on various factors such as the velocity and depth of water flow, the type and size of sediment, and the alignment and geometry of the bridge.

One of the critical factors affecting general scour is the flow rate of water. High water flow rates can cause the sediment to be transported away from the bridge foundation, leading to scouring. Additionally, the size and type of sediment can also affect the severity of general scour, as fine sediment is more easily eroded than coarser sediment.

To prevent and mitigate the effects of general scour, various measures can be taken, such as the use of scour protection measures, such as riprap, gabions or other erosion-resistant materials. Regular monitoring and maintenance are also essential to detect any signs of scouring early and to prevent it from becoming a significant problem.

In short, general scour is a natural process that occurs around bridge foundations and can be exacerbated by various factors. It is crucial to take preventive and mitigating measures such as the use of scour protection measures and regular monitoring and maintenance to ensure the stability and safety of the bridge foundation.

Local Scour:

Local scour is a type of scouring that occurs immediately around the base of a bridge pier or abutment. It is caused by the erosive action of flowing water around the foundation, which can lead to the formation of a hole or depression around the foundation. Local scour is a significant concern for bridges, as it can lead to the instability of the foundation and the potential for structural damage or collapse.

The severity of local scour can depend on various factors, such as the velocity and depth of water flow, the type and size of sediment, and the geometry of the bridge. Local scour can be more severe in areas where water flow is concentrated, such as at the edge of a pier or abutment and where the sediment is fine-grained and easily erodible.

To prevent and mitigate the effects of local scour, various measures can be taken, such as the use of scour protection measures, such as riprap, gabions or other erosion-resistant materials. In some cases, it may be necessary to modify the geometry of the bridge to reduce the concentration of water flow around the foundation. Regular monitoring and maintenance are also essential to detect any signs of local scouring early and to prevent it from becoming a significant problem.

The calculation of local scour depth can be complex and requires an understanding of the flow of water around the foundation and the properties of the sediment. Various methods can be used to estimate local scour depth, such as empirical equations, physical models, or numerical simulations. The choice of method depends on factors such as the availability of data, the complexity of the flow regime, and the desired level of accuracy.

In short, local scour is a significant concern for bridges, as it can lead to the instability of the foundation and the potential for structural damage or collapse. Preventive and mitigating measures such as the use of scour protection measures and regular monitoring and maintenance are essential to ensure the stability and safety of the bridge foundation. The calculation of local scour depth is complex and requires an understanding of the flow of water around the foundation and the properties of the sediment.

Scour at Bridge Crossings: 

Scour at bridge crossings is a significant concern for the stability and safety of bridges, as it can lead to the destabilization of the bridge foundation and potential structural damage or collapse. Scour at bridge crossings can be caused by various factors such as high water flow rates, sediment type, and bridge alignment.

The severity of scour at bridge crossings can depend on various factors such as the velocity and depth of water flow, the type and size of sediment, and the geometry of the bridge. Scour can occur around the foundation of the bridge, leading to potential instability, or it can occur downstream of the bridge, leading to potential erosion of the streambed.

To prevent and mitigate the effects of scour at bridge crossings, various measures can be taken, such as the use of scour protection measures, such as riprap, gabions, or other erosion-resistant materials. In some cases, it may be necessary to modify the geometry of the bridge to reduce the concentration of water flow around the foundation or to redirect the flow of water away from the bridge foundation.

Regular monitoring and maintenance are also essential to detect any signs of scouring early and to prevent it from becoming a significant problem. Monitoring can include various methods such as visual inspections, sonar surveys, or even remote sensing technologies.

The calculation of scour depth at bridge crossings can be complex and requires an understanding of the flow of water around the foundation and the properties of the sediment. Various methods can be used to estimate scour depth, such as empirical equations, physical models, or numerical simulations. The choice of method depends on factors such as the availability of data, the complexity of the flow regime, and the desired level of accuracy.

So, scour at bridge crossings is a significant concern for the stability and safety of bridges, and preventive and mitigating measures such as the use of scour protection measures and regular monitoring and maintenance are essential to ensure the stability and safety of the bridge foundation. The calculation of scour depth is complex and requires an understanding of the flow of water around the foundation and the properties of the sediment.

Scour Caused By Debris: 

Scour caused by debris is another type of scouring that can occur at bridge crossings. It is caused by the accumulation of debris, such as fallen trees or large rocks, around the foundation of the bridge, which can redirect the flow of water and cause localized erosion.

Debris can collect around bridge piers and abutments, creating eddies and turbulence in the flow of water, which can lead to the formation of scour holes around the foundation. The size and location of the debris can influence the severity and extent of the scouring.

To prevent and mitigate the effects of debris-induced scouring, various measures can be taken, such as the removal of debris from the bridge channel, the installation of debris deflectors or fences, and the use of scour protection measures, such as riprap or gabions.

Regular monitoring and maintenance are also essential to detect any signs of debris-induced scouring early and to prevent it from becoming a significant problem. Monitoring can include visual inspections of the bridge foundation, streambed, and the presence of debris in the channel.

The calculation of scour depth caused by debris can be challenging, as it depends on the size, shape, and location of the debris, as well as the flow conditions in the channel. In general, empirical equations or numerical simulations can be used to estimate the potential scour depth caused by debris.

In short, scour caused by debris is another significant concern for the stability and safety of bridges, and preventive and mitigating measures such as the removal of debris from the channel and the use of scour protection measures are essential to ensure the stability and safety of the bridge foundation. Regular monitoring and maintenance are also essential to detect any signs of debris-induced scouring early and prevent it from becoming a significant problem.

Scour Caused By Ice: 

Scour caused by ice is a specific type of scouring that occurs in colder climates where ice can form around bridge foundations. It is a result of the freeze-thaw cycle of water, which causes ice to form around the bridge pier or abutment. As the ice melts, the water flows around the foundation and causes erosion of the surrounding sediment. Over time, this erosion can lead to scouring and destabilization of the bridge foundation.

The severity of scouring caused by ice can depend on several factors, such as the thickness of ice, the flow rate of water, and the sediment type. Ice scouring can be more severe in areas where there is a lot of ice movement due to high winds or fast-flowing water. The type of sediment can also play a role in the severity of ice scouring, as finer sediment is more easily eroded than coarser sediment.

Prevention and mitigation of scouring caused by ice can include measures such as the use of ice deflectors, which redirect the flow of water away from the bridge foundation, and the installation of protective armor around the foundation to prevent erosion. Regular monitoring and maintenance of the bridge foundation is also essential to detect any signs of scouring early and to prevent it from becoming a significant problem.

Importance of Scouring:

Scouring is a significant problem for bridges as it can cause the foundation to weaken and potentially collapse, leading to severe consequences. In addition, scouring is a continuous process, and it can take years or decades for a bridge to become unstable. This means that regular monitoring and maintenance of bridges are necessary to prevent scouring from becoming a significant problem.

Scour Depth:

Scour depth is the depth of the hole that is created around the foundation of a bridge due to scouring. It is an essential parameter that needs to be monitored to ensure the stability of a bridge. The scour depth can vary depending on the type of scouring, the type of foundation, and the flow rate of water around the bridge.

How to Calculate Scour Depth?

There are various methods to calculate scour depth, but the most common method is the empirical equation developed by Lacey and Hjulstrom. This equation is based on laboratory experiments and field observations and is widely used by engineers and researchers.

The Lacey and Hjulstrom equation is as follows:

d = k * (Q^2 / g * D^50)^0.5

d = scour depth
k = empirical coefficient (usually between 0.4 and 0.6)
Q = flow rate of water (m3/s)
g = acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s2)
D50 = median size of sediment particles (m)

To calculate scour depth using this equation, you need to know the flow rate of water, the size of sediment particles, and the empirical coefficient (k). The k value can vary depending on the bridge location, geometry, and other factors, so it needs to be determined based on the site-specific conditions.

Another Method,

Scour depth is the amount of soil or sediment that is eroded from the bed of a river, channel, or around a structure. It is an essential parameter to consider during the design, construction, and maintenance of hydraulic structures such as bridges, culverts, and weirs. There are several methods to calculate scour depth, and the most common ones are empirical equations, physical models, and numerical simulations.

Empirical Equations:

Empirical equations are the simplest method to calculate scour depth. These equations use a set of variables such as water velocity, sediment size, and channel slope to determine the depth of scour. The equations are based on experimental data and have been developed for different types of channels and sediments.

The most widely used empirical equation is the "Einstein Equation," which was developed in 1950. The equation is as follows:

d50 = 1.76 * (Q2 / g * s)^(1/3)

d50 = the median grain size of sediment (m)
Q = the flow rate (m3/s)
g = acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s2)
s = slope of the channel

Once the median grain size of sediment is determined, the depth of scour can be calculated using the following equation:

dscour = 1.6 * d50

dscour = the depth of scour (m)

Physical Models:

Physical models involve the construction of a scaled model of the channel or structure and subjecting it to the same hydraulic conditions as the real-world situation. The amount of scour that occurs in the model is then measured and used to estimate the depth of scour in the real world.

Physical models are useful for predicting scour depth in complex situations, such as around bridge piers or abutments, or when sediment transport is complex. However, physical models can be time-consuming and expensive to construct and test.

Numerical Simulations:

Numerical simulations use computer models to simulate the flow of water and sediment transport in the channel or around the structure. These simulations can provide detailed information on the scouring process and can be used for complex flow conditions and sediment types.

Numerical simulations can predict the depth of scour for various scenarios by adjusting the variables such as flow velocity, sediment size, and channel slope. However, numerical simulations require detailed information on the channel geometry, flow conditions, and sediment properties, and may not provide accurate results if the input data is inaccurate or incomplete.


Scouring is a significant problem for bridges and it is crucial to monitor and maintain bridge foundations to prevent instability and potential failure. There are various types of scouring, including general scour, local scour, scour at bridge crossings, scour caused by debris, and scour caused by ice. Scour depth is the depth of the hole created around the foundation due to scouring, and it can be calculated using the Lacey and Hjulstrom equation. Regular inspections and maintenance are essential to ensure the stability and safety of bridges. Engineers and researchers should continue to study scouring to develop more effective methods for preventing and mitigating its effects on bridges.

Scour Depth in Canal: Explanation

Scour depth in canals refers to the depth of the channel bed that is eroded due to the flow of water. It is an important factor in the design and maintenance of canals, as excessive scouring can lead to the destabilization of the canal banks, damage to infrastructure such as bridges and culverts, and reduced canal capacity.

The depth of scour in canals can be influenced by various factors such as water flow rate, sediment type and size, canal alignment, and the presence of structures such as bridge piers or culverts. The scour depth can vary along the length of the canal, and can also change over time due to changes in flow conditions or sediment transport.

There are various methods for estimating scour depth in canals, including empirical equations, physical models and numerical simulations. Empirical equations are simple equations that relate the scour depth to the flow rate, sediment type, and other factors. They are often used in preliminary design and for quick estimates of scour depth. However, they may not provide accurate results for complex flow conditions or unusual sediment types.

Physical models involve the construction of a physical model of the canal and the testing of various flow conditions and sediment types to observe the scouring process. This method is often used for complex or unique situations where empirical equations may not be appropriate. However, physical models can be time-consuming and expensive to construct and test.

Numerical simulations involve the use of computer models to simulate the flow of water and sediment transport in the canal. This method can provide detailed information on the scouring process and can be used for complex flow conditions and sediment types. However, numerical simulations require detailed information on the canal geometry, flow conditions, and sediment properties, and may not provide accurate results if the input data is inaccurate or incomplete.

Once the scour depth has been estimated, various measures can be taken to prevent or mitigate scouring in canals. These measures can include the use of scour protection measures such as riprap or gabions, modifying the canal geometry or alignment to reduce the flow rate and concentration, and regular monitoring and maintenance to detect any signs of scouring early.

In short, scour depth in canals is an important factor in the design and maintenance of canals, and can be estimated using various methods such as empirical equations, physical models, and numerical simulations. Preventive and mitigating measures such as the use of scour protection measures and regular monitoring and maintenance are essential to ensure the stability and safety of canals.

Scour Depth in Foundation:

Scour depth in the foundation of a structure refers to the amount of soil or sediment that is eroded from around the foundation, exposing and potentially destabilizing the structure. Scour depth in the foundation is a significant concern for the stability and safety of structures, such as bridges, culverts, and buildings, that are supported by shallow foundations.

The depth of scour in the foundation can depend on various factors, including the type and properties of the soil or sediment, the flow velocity and direction of the water, and the geometry of the structure and foundation. Scouring in the foundation can occur due to various mechanisms, such as general scour, local scour, and debris-induced scour, which were discussed in earlier sections.

To prevent and mitigate the effects of scour depth in the foundation, various measures can be taken, such as the use of scour protection measures, such as riprap, gabions, or geotextiles, around the foundation, the installation of scour monitoring systems, the design of the foundation to resist scour, and the use of foundation stabilization methods, such as grouting or deep foundations.

Calculating the scour depth in the foundation can be challenging, as it depends on various factors and can be affected by uncertainties and variability. Empirical equations, physical modeling, and numerical simulations can be used to estimate the potential scour depth in the foundation, depending on the level of complexity and accuracy required.

Regular monitoring and maintenance are also essential to detect any signs of scouring in the foundation early and to prevent it from becoming a significant problem. Monitoring can include visual inspections of the foundation, measurement of the depth of sediment around the foundation, and the use of automated monitoring systems that can detect changes in the structure's behavior due to scouring.

Hence, scour depth in the foundation is a critical concern for the stability and safety of structures that are supported by shallow foundations, and preventive and mitigating measures such as the use of scour protection measures, foundation stabilization methods, and regular monitoring and maintenance are essential to ensure the stability and safety of the structure.

Scour Depth of Bridge:

The scour depth of a bridge refers to the depth of the riverbed or channel that is eroded or scoured away around the foundation of the bridge pier or abutment. Scour is caused by the flow of water, which can erode the sediment surrounding the bridge foundation, leading to instability and even collapse of the bridge.

The depth of scour is a critical factor to consider in the design and construction of a bridge, as well as in its maintenance and inspection. A bridge that has been designed with an inadequate scour depth may be at risk of collapse during floods or other high-water events.

To estimate the depth of scour around a bridge pier or abutment, engineers use a variety of methods. One commonly used method is the use of empirical equations, which are based on data obtained from physical model tests and field observations.

The Parker Equation, developed by the Federal Highway Administration, is one such empirical equation used to estimate the depth of scour around a bridge pier or abutment. It takes into account factors such as the flow rate, median grain size of the bed material, channel slope, and scour coefficient.

Physical model tests can also be used to estimate the depth of scour around a bridge pier or abutment. A scaled model of the bridge and surrounding channel is constructed, and the hydraulic conditions are simulated to determine the amount of scour that occurs.

Numerical modeling is another method used to estimate scour depth. Computer models can simulate the flow of water and sediment transport around a bridge, providing detailed information on the scouring process and predicting the depth of scour.

To ensure the safety and longevity of a bridge, regular inspections are conducted to assess the depth of scour and any other potential issues. If significant scour is detected, remediation measures may be required, such as placing riprap or other protective measures around the bridge foundation.

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has developed several empirical equations to estimate the depth of scour around bridge piers and abutments. The most widely used equation is the "Parker Equation," which was developed in 1990. The equation is as follows:

dscour = Ks * (Q / g)^1/2 * (ds50)^3/8 * ((Sf - S0)/ds50)^1/6

dscour = the depth of scour (m)
Ks = scour coefficient
Q = flow rate (m3/s)
g = acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s2)
ds50 = median grain size of the bed material (m)
Sf = channel slope downstream of the bridge
S0 = channel slope upstream of the bridge

The scour coefficient (Ks) is a function of various parameters such as the geometry of the pier or abutment, the shape of the channel, and the sediment type. The value of Ks can be obtained from empirical data or from physical models.

The depth of scour can also be calculated using physical models or numerical simulations. Physical models involve the construction of a scaled model of the bridge and channel, and subjecting it to the same hydraulic conditions as the real-world situation. The amount of scour that occurs in the model is then measured and used to estimate the depth of scour in the real world.

Numerical simulations use computer models to simulate the flow of water and sediment transport in the channel or around the bridge. These simulations can provide detailed information on the scouring process and can be used for complex flow conditions and sediment types.

So, the depth of scour around bridge piers and abutments is a critical parameter that must be considered during the design, construction, and maintenance of the structure. Empirical equations, physical models, and numerical simulations can be used to estimate the depth of scour. The choice of method depends on the complexity of the situation, the level of accuracy required, and the availability of resources.

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