AAC Blocks vs Red Bricks Which is Best? Comparison

Civil Engicon Team
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Update: May 29, 2024

AAC Blocks and Red Bricks

AAC Blocks (Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Blocks):
AAC blocks are a type of precast concrete made from natural raw materials such as sand (or fly ash), cement, lime, water, and a small amount of aluminum powder. They are manufactured using a highly controlled process that involves mixing these materials, pouring them into molds, and then curing them in an autoclave.
This curing process creates a cellular structure with many air pockets, giving AAC blocks their lightweight and insulating properties. AAC blocks are known for their high strength, thermal insulation, fire resistance, and eco-friendly nature. They are commonly used in construction for walls, floors, and roofs.

Red Bricks:
Red bricks, also known as clay bricks, are traditional building materials made from clay that is fired at high temperatures. They are typically rectangular in shape and come in various sizes. Red bricks are known for their strength, durability, and thermal mass properties. They are used extensively in construction for load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls, partitions, and structural elements.
Red bricks are fire-resistant and provide good thermal insulation. They are relatively heavier compared to AAC blocks and are susceptible to variations in quality depending on the manufacturing process and clay composition.

Comparison Between AAC Blocks and Red Bricks

AAC bloks are certified green building materials over many advantages and disadvantages, where as red bricks are the the traditional building materials over its process, strength and other properties. We can see many aspects to compare AAC blocks and red bricks like size, strength, fire resistance, thermal insulation, weight, cost and construction speed etc.

AAC Blocks vs Red Bricks

Comparison Between AAC Blocks and Red Bricks

The below table provides a comprehensive comparison of AAC blocks and clay bricks, highlighting their respective advantages and disadvantages across various parameters.
Parameters AAC Block Clay Bricks
Structural Cost Steel savings up to 15% No savings
Cement Mortar for Plaster & Masonry Requires less due to flat, even surfaces and fewer joints Requires more due to irregular surface and more joints
Breakage Less than 5% Average 10 to 12%
Construction Speed Faster construction due to large size, lightweight, and ease of cutting Comparatively slower
Quality Uniform and consistent Typically varies
Fitting & Chasing All types of fitting and chasing possible All types of fitting and chasing possible
Carpet Area More due to the thinner walls Comparatively less
Availability Available year-round Shortage during monsoon
Energy Saving Approximately 30% reduction in air-conditioning load No such savings
Chemical Composition Made with 60-70% sand/fly ash reacting with lime and cement Made with soil containing impurities like sulfates, causing efflorescence
Weight Lightweight, reducing structural load Heavier, increasing structural load
Fire Resistance Highly fire-resistant Fire-resistant but less so compared to AAC blocks
Sound Insulation Good sound insulation due to porous structure Moderate sound insulation
Thermal Insulation Excellent thermal insulation, enhancing energy efficiency Moderate thermal insulation
Pest Resistance Resistant to pests, mold, and mildew Susceptible to mold and mildew if not properly maintained
Environmental Impact Eco-friendly, using non-toxic materials and producing less waste Higher environmental impact due to energy-intensive production
Dimensional Accuracy Manufactured with precise dimensions, reducing on-site adjustments Variations in size, leading to uneven walls and higher mortar use
Water Absorption Higher water absorption, requiring proper sealing Lower water absorption
Workability Easy to cut, shape, and drill, allowing flexible design More difficult to modify on-site due to hardness
Life Span Long-lasting, durable Long-lasting, durable
Maintenance Low maintenance due to resistance to pests and mold Requires regular maintenance to prevent mold and mildew

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